How To Determine Whether The Lamp Is Fog Or Water?
If there is water in the headlights, it will affect the light transmittance. In particular, the line of sight at night will be greatly reduced, which will also change the direction of illumination of the headlights, affect other vehicles and pedestrians, and seriously interfere with the driver’s normal line of sight. If the water is serious, the lamp and the circuit will be damaged.
In continuous rainy weather, owners sometimes find that their car headlights are fogged and accompanied by drops of water. To determine if the lights are fog or water, the best way is to turn on the headlights and turn on the high beams. See if the water mist in the headlights disappears after 30 minutes and disappear completely after one hour. If it disappears, it will prove to be a condensation phenomenon. On the contrary, if the lights enter the water, it should be repaired as soon as possible.
We specialize in Modified Auto Lamp, we can also OEM Auto Lamp according to your needs.